Cool Kids Accredited Provider Licence Renewal

Cool Kids Accredited Provider Licence Renewal

Regular price $0.00 $220.00 Sale

This product if for Cool Kids Accredited Providers who need to renew their licence to deliver Cool Kids.

If you are looking for information on training in the Cool Kids program for the first time, please go to our Cool Kids Professional Training page.

By maintaining your Cool Kids Accredited Provider status:

  • Your licence to deliver the Cool Kids program will be extended for a further 3 years.
  • You will continue to appear on our Find a Provider site. 
  • You will maintain access to the Cool Kids Accredited Provider website which contains regularly updated additional resources, webinars and marketing materials. 
  • You can attend our drop-in supervision sessions which provide an opportunity for you to bring questions to the Cool Kids team as well as network with other like-minded professionals. 

Any questions regarding renewing your Cool Kids Accredited Provider licence should be referred to

Once your payment has been processed, you will receive your updated Accreditation Certificate and continued access to the provider website within 5 business days.